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In the ever-growing world of online casinos, it is often not easy for players to keep track of things. That's why we've made it our mission to develop a rating system that brings transparency to the jungle of casino offers. But that's not all: our streamers monitor, control and actively shape these reviews. They bring their valuable expertise and practical experience into the evaluation process. Before a casino is listed with us, it goes through a careful review. We ensure that all casinos we recommend are safe and trustworthy partners. Our integrity and the trust of our community are extremely important to us. A casino that does not meet our strict standards will not be included.
Our reviews are independent and based solely on the experiences and feedback of our experts and the streamer community. We take our job very seriously and regularly check all rated casinos to ensure that our information is always up to date. With our rating system we want to ensure that you as a player can make the best possible decision. With us you not only get facts and figures, but also a comprehensive understanding of what makes each casino unique.